Asgeir Nilsen has uploaded 7 images and written 5 reviews. Click on the images and reviews below to see the harbour pages.
Asgeir Nilsen has 193 contribution points.
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1 liker bildet
Image uploaded on 15. Jun 2021
Kommersøya/Sandebukta på svai
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Image uploaded on 4. Aug 2024
Holmsbu Havn
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Image uploaded on 15. Jul 2023
Kragerø Gjestehavn
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Image uploaded on 6. Aug 2021
Kragerø Gjestehavn
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Image uploaded on 7. Aug 2021
Jomfruland Gjestehavn
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Image uploaded on 4. Aug 2021
Øitangen Jomfruland
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Image uploaded on 5. Aug 2021
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Asgeir Nilsen says:
Approach and maritime conditions: Grimstad city center. Very simple approach. Maximum speed of 5 knots in the inner harbor ensures minimal waves.
Mooring: Moor alongside. Anchoring is not allowed due to cables at the bottom of the water. Approximately 5m deep. Buoys are available for stern-to mooring with the bow towards the land on the outside. The floating dock furthest to the west is reserved for permanent residents outside of the season.
3 x helpful | written on 14. Jun 2021
Asgeir Nilsen says:
Approach and maritime conditions: Easy approach from the south, well marked.
Mooring: Mooring alongside or with a buoy at the bow or stern.
Anchorage spots outside.
Some currents make the outermost floating dock a bit tricky to dock.
The area: Busy harbor with lots of traffic.
Many eateries nearby.
Provisions for both gasoline and diesel.
Short distance to the grocery store.
2 x helpful | written on 5. Aug 2021
Asgeir Nilsen says:
Approach and maritime conditions: Simple and safe approach as long as one follows the buoys.
Mooring: Pleasant guest harbor with double berths large enough for one large and one slightly smaller boat. Electricity and water on the dock. Increased harbor fees in 2021 - see photo.
There is a restriction of a maximum of 35 feet for recreational boats at Jomfruland Guest Harbor. This applies to the entire facility.
This is to ensure safety.
Plenty of anchoring spots both north and south of the dock! Often as many boats are anchored here as in the harbor.
The area: Great island to explore by foot or by bike (bike rental right by the lighthouse.) The lighthouse is open for visits, and you can go up to the top. Great view!
The dock cafe sells small fish, soft ice cream, a small selection of groceries, and fresh bread at 9 AM every day!
Haga Coastal Cafe is a simple restaurant with good fish soup, burgers, pizza, some salads, etc.
Shallow beach is great for the little ones.
1 x helpful | written on 3. Aug 2021
Asgeir Nilsen says:
Entry and maritime conditions: Entry from the south, the bridge inside the sound has a maximum clearance of 2.5 meters. There is a lot of swimming activity on both sides of the sound, but there is plenty of room to maneuver on the inside.
Docking: Outriggers between every other space, but also alongside docking on the innermost part towards the quay and along the eastern floating dock. It can get a bit windy, so some drifting should be expected.
The area: Kragerø is a charming small town with everything within short reach. Marina Service on Øya offers refueling and a selection of boating equipment.
At Gunnarsholmen, there is a service building with showers and a washing machine, as well as great swimming opportunities.
1 x helpful | written on 6. Aug 2021
Asgeir Nilsen says:
Payment is made via GoMarina or machine. It is not possible to book in advance, and the maximum stay is three days.
1 x helpful | written on 15. Jul 2023 | updated_on 15. Jul 2023