Contributions by Helen Berg

Helen Berg has uploaded 4 images and written 3 reviews. Click on the images and reviews below to see the harbour pages.

Helen Berg has 120 contribution points.

Harbour images

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BuvÄgen - Moskenes


2 liker bildet

Image uploaded on 10. Jul 2021



1 liker bildet

Image uploaded on 10. Jul 2021



1 liker bildet

Image uploaded on 6. Jul 2021



0 liker bildet

Image uploaded on 7. Jul 2021


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Helen Berg says:


Approach and maritime conditions: Forsfjorden is one of the fjords in Reine, the one located furthest to the west.
Anchorage: At the very innermost part of the fjord, there is a power station with a small floating dock. Additionally, there is a mooring buoy that works well. There are no good spots for using your own anchor.
The Area: Forsfjorden is a good place to dock if you are planning to hike Hermanndalstinden. There is a trail leading up from the back of the power station.

2 x helpful | written on 11. Jul 2021

Helen Berg says:


Approach and maritime conditions: BuvÄgen, or Hell as it is locally known, is situated on Lofotodden. To enter the bay, you must navigate through Moskenesstraumen. Carefully check wave conditions on bÞ concerning currents before entering.
Anchoring: There are four good buoys here to moor your boat.
The area: There's a nice little sandy beach and good spots for walking. A pleasant walk is up to the western pass to look over or go over to Refsvika.

1 x helpful | written on 11. Jul 2021

Helen Berg says:


Entry and maritime conditions: Kirkefjord is a fjord located within the village of Reine. You must pass under a bridge that is 18 meters high to get here.
Anchoring: Anchoring depth approximately 15 meters on a sandy bottom.
The area: It's nice to stay here and walk over to the Korseidvika beach, a 5 km one-way trip, and up approximately 200 meters in elevation. Well-marked trail not far from where the passenger boat docks.

1 x helpful | written on 7. Jul 2021