Contributions by Henrik Andersen

Henrik Andersen has uploaded 0 images and written 9 reviews. Click on the images and reviews below to see the harbour pages.

Henrik Andersen has 164 contribution points.

Harbour images

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Henrik Andersen says:


maritime qualities


Good harbor with many berths. Moor at the pile moorings. A 15 to 20-minute walk to the city. Good toilet and bathing facilities. Grill/restaurant at the harbor.
Marine shop at the harbor.

2 x helpful | written on 23. Jul 2022 | updated_on 22. Aug 2022

Henrik Andersen says:


Cozy harbour. NOTE: Follow markings when approaching. Mooring at the pier with pile berths. Several restaurants by the harbour. Excellent bathing and toilet facilities. Cozy town approximately 15 minutes walk.

2 x helpful | written on 23. Jul 2022

Henrik Andersen says:


maritime qualities


Large marina. Good bath and toilet facilities. Approximately 20 minutes' walk along a beautiful promenade to the cozy town of SĂžnderborg with many dining options.

1 x helpful | written on 22. Aug 2022

Henrik Andersen says:


maritime qualities


Nyhavn 2
Super harbor. The harbor master usually comes in a rubber boat and shows the berth. Boats are moored to both the floating dock and the fixed dock. A few minutes' walk and you are on the pedestrian street. Several good restaurants nearby. NOTE. The harbor is on the port side. Nyhavn 2 shares its entry with the municipal harbor on the starboard side.
Be aware that there can be a strong current at the entrance.

1 x helpful | written on 23. Jul 2022 | updated_on 23. Jul 2022

Henrik Andersen says:


maritime qualities


NOTE! Upon arrival from the north, keep the green buoys on starboard, especially on the last stretch of the approach as the TunĂž reef extends far out.
Lovely harbour if you like an island without cars. The harbour is very popular, so arriving in the morning is recommended. Later in the day, it is not uncommon for there to be 3 to 4 boats moored alongside each other. A tour around the island is recommended, it takes 2-3 hours. Fish grill at the harbour. Boats can be moored alongside, at the floating pier, and at the pole positions. Lovely beach right by the harbour. Grocer and restaurant on the island (10 min. walk).

1 x helpful | written on 23. Jul 2022

Henrik Andersen says:


Good harbour with all facilities. Harbour grill and restaurant. Playground with large jumping pillow.

1 x helpful | written on 23. Jul 2022

Henrik Andersen says:


Upon arrival, be careful not to come too far to starboard.
Lovely harbor with good space. About 10 minutes to a cozy shopping street.

1 x helpful | written on 23. Jul 2022

Henrik Andersen says:


maritime qualities


Nice harbor with pile moorings. Good toilet and bathing facilities. Supermarket 10 minutes from the harbor.

1 x helpful | written on 23. Jul 2022

Henrik Andersen says:


Lovely harbour with plenty of space. Mooring at poles and pier. 5 minutes walk to shopping. Several restaurants and cafés. Good bathing beach just outside the harbour (to the south).

1 x helpful | written on 23. Jul 2022