Region: Norway (3219), Nordland (644), Helgelandskysten (242), Meløy (33) and Støtt (2)
Erin Talmatch says:
maritime qualities
Narrow, but well-marked sound.
floating dock and berths. The first four berths are wide, then they become narrower further into the bay. There is also a floating dock where larger boats (over 40ft) can moor alongside. Electricity and water on the quay (harbor fees exclude electricity). Shower/toilet on the quay, currently no washing machine - but a dryer.
The store is very basic.
[translated from Norwegian with AI]
1 x helpful | written on 3. Aug 2023
Trond Hindenes says:
Approach and Maritime Conditions: Beautiful, calm harbor on the south side of Kunna. Upgraded docks with berths, and a restaurant aiming to become Helgeland Coast's best seafood restaurant.
Lovely, flat hiking terrain, with opportunities for exploring an underground facility from the war, and a fantastic disc golf course. Opportunities to rent kayaks and bicycles. A gem!
Mooring: Upgraded docks with berths. Be aware of the depth on the way into the bay, but it is very well marked with stakes and signs.
Former side-to mooring has been replaced with berths, which can make it challenging to dock-especially with a sailboat and wind.
It may be tempting to aim for the first (southernmost) berth, but be aware that it has a sharp metal edge on one side, which can easily damage fiberglass boats (see picture).
[translated from Norwegian with AI]
1 x helpful | written on 3. Jun 2022
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Protection next night
73 points
Want to know how the wind score works? Then you should read this explanation.
The wind forecasts come from (Norwegian Meteorological Institute), and was last updated 2 hours and 1 minute ago (Saturday 14 September 01:27 AM). The next night score shows you the worst hour between 22:00 and 08:00 the next night. We recommend that you check multiple sources for wind forecasts. is a good website to show larger wind systems.
The safe directions for this harbour was added at None. Click here to edit.
Mon 19 Aug 2024 |
FRISK LUFT [MMSI: 257070510] |
Mon 17 Jun 2024 |
NYBRENA [MMSI: 257461500] |
LISA [MMSI: 258992170] |
Sun 31 Dec 2023 |
BLUEBIRD [MMSI: 258000870] |
Fri 20 Oct 2023 |
SINE [MMSI: 257809490] |
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Users that contributed to this page: Jostein Navelsaker, Ulf Dahlslett, Peter Neumann, Mats G, Christian Willoch, Trond Hindenes, Anonymous sailor 193605, Svein Mikkelsen, Ulla-Britt, Patrick Murphy and © is updated by the boating community. When you add information, a review or pictures to this page you are listed here with the other contributors (we list your user-name, which can be your real name or a pseudonym).
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