Contributions by Runar Wold

Runar Wold has uploaded 0 images and written 1 reviews. Click on the images and reviews below to see the harbour pages.

Runar Wold has 23 contribution points.

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Runar Wold says:


Approach and maritime conditions: Southwest of Langø, west of Veierland in Tønsbergfjorden.
Anchoring: 4.5
1 Blue buoy.
Anchoring. Good holding in clay bottom.
The area: If you want a tour around the area, you have several options. Directly north is Langø. It is shallow around the island, but it is a nice walk around the island. Horses also graze here freely. The island is private, but there is no problem walking around. If you continue further north you will reach the recreational area Bogen - Nallebergodden. In the summer, this is a popular area for swimming. If you want a view, you can go up to Sundåsen (coastal path), with a nice view over Tønsbergfjorden.

1 x helpful | written on 1. Jul 2021