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Sandra Hjertaas says:
Approach and maritime conditions: Prestholmen is a small archipelago located at the entrance to Dybvåg, the place is well sheltered from waves from the main route to Lyngør. Well sheltered from most wind directions. Suitable side-tie berth for a boat with a draft of 2.25 m. There are 5 mooring posts on land.
Anchoring: No quay. You can lie at anchor, stern-to or side-tie with a boat that drafts 2.25 m. Move cautiously into the bay, there is a 2 m rock shelf close to shore at the beginning of the bay, but the shelf gets deeper further in.
The area: Natural harbor which is nice to use when Lyngør is full. Sheltered in most wind directions. There is an outhouse and garbage bins on land. Nice little sandy beach on the northern islet.
2 x helpful | written on 30. Jul 2021