Contributions by Stig Robert Gjertsen

Stig Robert Gjertsen has uploaded 2 images and written 5 reviews. Click on the images and reviews below to see the harbour pages.

Stig Robert Gjertsen has 252 contribution points.

Harbour images

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Dynamittbukta Indre Maløya


2 liker bildet

Image uploaded on 21. Jul 2023

Håholmen - Brekkestø


1 liker bildet

Image uploaded on 10. Aug 2023


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Stig Robert Gjertsen says:


maritime qualities


Slåttholmen has a small café offering simple servings of ice cream, coffee, soft drinks, and some muffins and lefse. Opening hours: week 25-33 from 11 AM to 6 PM. There is also a functional outhouse on the west side of the island, just follow the path past the café and continue to the end.

2 x helpful | written on 3. Aug 2023

Stig Robert Gjertsen says:


maritime qualities


Great spot with good protection from wind from most directions. Good sunlight. Several options for securing against the rock face. Great for swimming, especially from the rocks as there are some sharp oysters on the beach. There is a marked cable in the sea here that it's a wonder no one has fished up, because anchoring happens right on top of what must be the route. But it usually works out fine.

1 x helpful | written on 25. Jul 2024

Stig Robert Gjertsen says:


maritime qualities


A nice little islet that can be approached from all sides. It should be possible to find shelter from most winds here.

1 x helpful | written on 25. Jul 2024

Stig Robert Gjertsen says:


maritime qualities


Nice and sheltered spot, quiet and peaceful. Several options for fastening to the rock, but avoid the bolt at the innermost part of the southernmost bay. Simple dock in the bay which is in a bit of poor condition, but with room for a couple of boats.

1 x helpful | written on 14. Jul 2023

Stig Robert Gjertsen says:


There is a toilet on the island, but it is difficult to find. Look on the southeast side, in the bay.

1 x helpful | written on 20. Jul 2023 | updated_on 20. Jul 2023