Contributions by Helge Dalen

Helge Dalen has uploaded 2 images and written 3 reviews. Click on the images and reviews below to see the harbour pages.

Helge Dalen has 117 contribution points.

Harbour images

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Viken Gjestehavn


0 liker bildet

Image uploaded on 1. Jul 2021

Viken Gjestehavn


0 liker bildet

Image uploaded on 1. Jul 2021


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Helge Dalen says:


Approach and maritime conditions: The harbor is located between Valldal and Tafjord.
Mooring: There are sturdy concrete floating piers in the harbor.
The area: Calm and family-friendly waters. Good hiking opportunities in the mountains, climbing park in Valldal.

1 x helpful | written on 1. Jul 2021

Helge Dalen says:


Diesel available at the floating dock near Best gas station 200-300 meters north of the guest harbor

1 x helpful | written on 11. Jan 2023

Helge Dalen says:


The harbor has no designated guest berths, but short-term rentals/day rentals are possible. For contact, check

1 x helpful | written on 11. Jan 2023 | updated_on 17. Jan 2023