Contributions by Jute of Cowes

Jute of Cowes has uploaded 0 images and written 3 reviews. Click on the images and reviews below to see the harbour pages.

Jute of Cowes has 30 contribution points.

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Jute of Cowes says:


maritime qualities


Fairly simple approach using Navionics. Little more than 2m in entrance and some places in harbour.
Guests can look for green finger berths or berth alongside the breakwater with water and electricity.
Plenty of space 15th August. 180 Danish Kroner including electricity, showers and washing machine.

1 x helpful | written on 15. Aug 2024

Jute of Cowes says:


maritime qualities


Our third visit to this beautiful anchorage. The anchor held all night and then in the morning it began to drag. After six attempts I gave up and went elsewhere. I was anchored with 5x the depth on a Spade Anchor.

1 x helpful | written on 31. Jul 2024

Jute of Cowes says:


maritime qualities


1. Entry in SE 14 knots was interesting. Bottom shoaled quickly. Entrance was very disturbed.

2. Once inside there was plenty of space to prepare fenders and warps.

3. Plenty of spaces 6th August.

4. Very quiet

5. Good facilities

6. Alongside, box and finger berths.

1 x helpful | written on 6. Aug 2024