Contributions by Karin Anderson

Karin Anderson has uploaded 2 images and written 1 reviews. Click on the images and reviews below to see the harbour pages.

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WV Zuiderzee Marina


1 liker bildet

Image uploaded on 16. May 2024

WV Zuiderzee Marina


0 liker bildet

Image uploaded on 16. May 2024


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Karin Anderson says:


maritime qualities


It's a small harbour, just on the outskirts of Amsterdam. Protected from wind from most directions. You can moor alongside on the outside jetty, where water is deepest, around 2.4 m. Afterwards you may move to a box if one is available. Water is more shallow towards the coast, up to 1.5 m. Cheap prices. Quiet harbour, next to the Amsterdam locks (Oranjesluizen). The are shops in the vicinity, and a pretty good restaurant 'Landmark'.
Not many facilities, but toilets and shower are clean.
There are nice walks you can do, just outside the harbour. And of course, the city centre of Amsterdam can easily be reached by public transport.

1 x helpful | written on 9. May 2024 | updated_on 16. May 2024