Karl Nordfalk has uploaded 4 images and written 3 reviews. Click on the images and reviews below to see the harbour pages.
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Blue Lagoon - Veli
1 liker bildet
Image uploaded on 8. Aug 2023
Agana North
1 liker bildet
Image uploaded on 9. Aug 2023
Veli Drvenik
1 liker bildet
Image uploaded on 7. Aug 2023
Veli Drvenik
0 liker bildet
Image uploaded on 7. Aug 2023
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Karl Nordfalk says:
maritime qualities
You can hike up to an old stone church with a great view of the inlet. There is a restaurant, Konoba Jere; with drinks by the waterfront and food on the fourth floor overlooking the inlet. There is also a bakery and a small shop in the village.
The best spot to anchor is behind the sheltering quay. The NW wind still causes a slight swell in the harbour.
Berth: stern-to the quay with bow anchor.
1 x helpful | written on 7. Aug 2023 | updated_on 7. Aug 2023
Karl Nordfalk says:
maritime qualities
Blue Lagoon is a beuatiful bay with green clear water, but also very popular for all kinds of boat including megayachts.
Itβs most safe to swim/snorkel near your boat because of the dense traffic.
Only entry for sailboats is from the south,.The north-east entry is very shallow.
The entire bay provides excellent anchorage.
1 x helpful | written on 8. Aug 2023
Karl Nordfalk says:
maritime qualities
Biggest marina in Trogir. Located on the opposite side of the bay from old town.
The harbour staff will help with docking and can be contacted on VHF Channel 17
There iis a bridge for pedestrians land cars over the bay.
10 min walk to the old town which has numerous restaurants and small shops.
1 x helpful | written on 8. Aug 2023 | updated_on 8. Aug 2023