Contributions by Anders Marstrander

Anders Marstrander has uploaded 1 images and written 2 reviews. Click on the images and reviews below to see the harbour pages.

Anders Marstrander has 39 contribution points.

Harbour images

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Lovund BĂ„tforening


1 liker bildet

Image uploaded on 2. Jul 2021


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Anders Marstrander says:


Approach and maritime conditions: Lovund's finest guest harbor. Here you can enjoy the midnight sun and swim in the heated sea bath.
Mooring: Floating dock

1 x helpful | written on 2. Jul 2021

Anders Marstrander says:


Approach and maritime conditions: Lovund boat association is located on the southern side of the island. It is a short distance to the shop and dining places from the harbor. See also the boat association's website www.lovundbÄ

Docking: Located at a floating dock in designated berths, alongside at the end of the dock
The area: Lovund is a small village with 500 inhabitants where the aquaculture company Nova Sea AS is the largest employer. See website for more information
There is a well-marked trail up to Lovundfjellet (623m)

1 x helpful | written on 2. Jul 2021