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Mats G says:
maritime qualities
Floating docks, there are two. 5-10m deep. Less impact from the ferry terminal and 50m to the store. 130 SEK/day 2023-05-25
3 x helpful | written on 25. May 2023
Mats G says:
Alongside, 15 meters from the bus. 5 minutes to the center
2 x helpful | written on 29. Jul 2022
Mats G says:
maritime qualities
On the journey in, one gets a fantastic nature experience. It is magnificent and grand.
Small pier and quay, at least 3m deep from the quay and out on the eastern side of the pier. On the western side of the quay, it is not possible to dock. On the western side of the pier, it is at least 3m deep but it shallows quickly towards the shore. Traffic noise can be heard from the road. There is a café and a shop.
1 x helpful | written on 30. May 2023
Mats G says:
maritime qualities
Small pier, 15m long. 50m to shops, post office, police, etc. Several cafes, restaurants, and pubs. There is also a cinema. Pleasant little place but it needs to be good weather as the pier is exposed to wind/waves, also be mindful of waves from passenger boats.
1 x helpful | written on 1. Jun 2023
Mats G says:
maritime qualities
Now, buoys have been placed on the outside of the first jetty instead of anchoring. Easy to access.
On the inside, there are mooring lines.
1 x helpful | written on 19. Jun 2023 | updated_on 19. Jun 2023