Contributions by Stian B. Tveit

Stian B. Tveit has uploaded 1 images and written 4 reviews. Click on the images and reviews below to see the harbour pages.

Stian B. Tveit has 129 contribution points.

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Kristiansand Gjestehavn


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Image uploaded on 28. Aug 2024


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Stian B. Tveit says:


Approach and maritime conditions: Stavanger guest harbor has two sections: Bangavågen and Vågen. Vågen is located in the innermost part of Stavanger city center with nightlife spots close to the harbor. There is electricity and water on the piers, while garbage disposal, showers, washing machines, etc., are in the other section (Bangavågen). It is deep and can be visited by all types of vessels. Larger vessels (over 15 meters) must report to the harbor watch (24/365) on channel 12 or phone +47 51 50 12 01. Payment is made via GoMarina. Short stays of up to 3 hours between 09:00 - 18:00 are free. The visit must be registered in GoMarina. Maximum one period per day per boat.
Docking: Pier and floating dock

5 x helpful | written on 16. Jun 2021

Stian B. Tveit says:


maritime qualities


No changing room/facility.
Kiosk is open during the summer season, but after around August 20th, only when needed/many guests.
The service facility is open from 0900 - 1700 (shower, toilet, washing machine/dryer). After this, two toilets (one with a shower) are open 24/7 with a code you receive after paying the harbour fee.
The service facility is only a couple of years old and looks very fine and new. The showers are high-pressure washers fixed to the wall. When I was there (end of August), it was cleaned about once a week.

Prices 2024:

Harbour fee: To be paid before 6 PM:
Summer season is from June 1st - September 20th.
00 - 29 feet: 350 NOK per day
30 - 39 feet: 400 NOK per day
40 - 49 feet: 450 NOK per day
50 - 59 feet: 580 NOK per day
Over 60 feet: 650 NOK per day

Washing machine/dryer: 50 NOK per token, must be purchased at the kiosk.
Shower: 50 NOK for 7 minutes (paid through app).
Electricity: Pay per KW. Paid through app. The power outlet is controlled via app, and you must disconnect/unplug via app before removing the plug. The electricity is automatically disconnected at 12 PM on the day of departure, even though you can stay until 6 PM before having to pay for a new day.
App: Marina Booking or via a dedicated machine on the wall of the service building.

1 x helpful | written on 28. Aug 2024

Stian B. Tveit says:


Approach and maritime conditions: Nice harbor. The quay is a public concrete quay. There is shore power at the quay, but no other services. Not great depth in the area, but sailboats can enter.
The area: Nice and quiet area. It is said that 1-3 people live on the island, otherwise it is only cottage residents. There are some ATVs that drive slowly in the area, but no cars. There are around 50 meters of paved road, the rest is gravel road. Somewhat poor mobile coverage in the harbor.

1 x helpful | written on 28. Aug 2021

Stian B. Tveit says:


Important information that must be read through before planning the trip here:

1 x helpful | written on 10. Aug 2024