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Hestholmen - Isefjærfjorden - Høvåg
1 liker bildet
Image uploaded on 5. Aug 2024
Hesnesøya - Grimstad
1 liker bildet
Image uploaded on 6. Aug 2024
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Jon Furholt says:
maritime qualities
Lett innseiling fra vest, også for båter som stikker dypere. Indre havn kan bli grunn, men ingen vanskelige skjær. Innseilingen fra øst er derimot svært grunn og kan bare brukes av små båter som ikke stikker. Området ligger langt inne i Isefjærfjorden og er svært godt beskyttet fra ytre sjø.
Innseiling til Isefjærfjorden er til gjengjeld et lite stykke. Båter uten mast kan gå inn fra Røynevardsfjorden i Blindleia, gjennom Kassenkanalen og videre til Isefjærfjorden. Høyere båter eller båter med mast må gå rundt, via Bliksfjorden. I denne innseilinga er det noen skjær å passe på, men selv båter som stikker dypt kan gå inn. Merk imidlertid at Naudesundsbroa har høyde på 12 m, så båter med høyere mast enn dette kommer ikke inn.
1 x helpful | written on 5. Aug 2024 | updated_on 5. Aug 2024
Jon Furholt says:
maritime qualities
In Småvigane, there is one nice spot that is well-suited for sailboats to lie alongside. Good depth.
The area is a thoroughfare for many cottage owners and for people heading into the Isefjærfjord, so there can be some boat waves. There can be a bit of wind through the area in certain wind directions. It is also located a bit inland and is very well protected from ocean swell and waves.
The entrance is from Bliksfjorden in Blindleia, and as long as one keeps clear of the rocks right at the inlet, the entrance is relatively straightforward and clear.
1 x helpful | written on 5. Aug 2024
Jon Furholt says:
Toilet: Both on the Langøya side and on the islet in the middle of Langøykilen, there are simple yet accessible outhouses.
1 x helpful | written on 5. Aug 2024
Jon Furholt says:
maritime qualities
Very nice natural harbor, with great opportunities for alongside mooring, also for larger boats. Most people anchor in the bay between the two islands. It is easy to moor alongside in several places at Gråholmen, and there are good depths. Also on the northeast side of Gråholmen, it is possible to moor alongside even for large sailboats, but the incline might be somewhat steep. It is possible to walk around the entire Gråholmen, but be aware of the reefs west of the islet.
There are several bolts to moor to.
1 x helpful | written on 5. Aug 2024 | updated_on 5. Aug 2024
Jon Furholt says:
maritime qualities
The area between Tjørnholmen and the two surrounding islets is a spectacular anchorage, but it is best suited for fair weather. There can be a lot of weather and swell in Kvåsefjorden. It is surprisingly calm between the islets, and there are good depths in several places. It might be possible to moor alongside in some places with boats that have a deeper draft, but it is best suited for smaller boats. Approaching from the south or east is preferable, and it is narrow towards the west.
1 x helpful | written on 5. Aug 2024
Jon Furholt says:
maritime qualities
Area: Hesnesøya and surrounding islands are an old, charming outport. Most of the buildings today are holiday properties. It is possible to walk in most places on the island, and also possible to reach the bare rocks on the other side of the island.
Maritime: The harbor is calm and well protected from winds from the south and southwest. However, it lies in the route between Grimstad and Arendal, so there can be boat waves.
Mooring: In the bay, boats can anchor freely. The bottom is good for anchoring. It is possible to tie up to the shore with the anchor at the stern towards the point northwest in the bay. Here you are well positioned, and larger sailboats can also easily come to shore. There are no alongside mooring opportunities here. On the same point, there is a private dock, which can be moored to by agreement with the landowner.
1 x helpful | written on 6. Aug 2024