Veni has uploaded 2 images and written 4 reviews. Click on the images and reviews below to see the harbour pages.
Veni has 55 contribution points.
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Bächevik - SXK Västkust bouy
1 liker bildet
Image uploaded on 24. Jul 2023
Lilla Dyrön - Rersholmen
1 liker bildet
Image uploaded on 22. Jul 2024
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Veni says:
maritime qualities
Easy access and you can use the bouys, but members of «Kryssarklubben» have piority and you should leave the bouy if one with this years «BØYFLAGGA» asks you to. In strong westerly wind it is a bit less sheltered than expected as the land is relatively flat. Som boats prefer to anchor in the small bay to the south even if there are fish mares there
2 x helpful | written on 23. Jul 2023
Veni says:
maritime qualities
6 berths available for overnight stay, alongside on the outside with a maximum of 2 boats abreast (4 in total) and 2 berths on the inside of the transverse pier. The northern berth on the inside is only suitable for small/medium boats. The southern berth can accommodate boats up to 46-47 feet (in my opinion). The pier is a bit wobbly but safe enough. The remaining berths are for short-term visitors to the inn. The inn is charming and has good food. The island offers nice hiking opportunities, partly past old wooden houses and there is a small grocery store.
2 x helpful | written on 10. Jul 2024
Veni says:
maritime qualities
Piers E and F are for pre-booking (Dockspot) but available if the lights are green. G , H and B are drop-in. A bit bumpy at the outer parts of the piers at strong westerly wind. Some of the mooring lines are broken - indicated by orange tape.
1 x helpful | written on 21. Jul 2023
Veni says:
maritime qualities
At the innermost part of the harbor, there are 10-12 spots with stern buoys. The stone pier appears to have a depth of about 2 meters and is mostly visited by motorboats. Sailboats can dock along the floating piers. The inside is, of course, preferable. There are a number of 'fire lanes' that limit the number of spots. Uncertain about the purpose of these, and they are respected to varying degrees...
1 x helpful | written on 10. Jul 2024